Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday night musings

Sunday evenings are depressing. The ever looming presence of Monday morning and the tension that comes with it. We watched this movie called Ek Pal today. I like Sanjay Suri. There is something sincere about him as an actor. The movie added to the depression. Small mishaps in life can change so many things. Like a domino effect, everything falls apart. Be thankful for what you have. Life can shit on your face in a heart beat.
My folks, wifey and me went to a south Indian restaurant called Udupi . My wife likes the food there and we go pretty often. The owner is a part of the amway/quixtar and tried to convert us a few years ago but gave up after seeing the defiant looking in my eye.
So here we were, my father, mother, wife and me talking away at the lunch table in Kannada and English. I was aware of this gentleman who was eyeing me. I didn’t think he was hitting on me as the good looks days are kind of done with me. Then, I caught the owner’s newly wedded wife talking to all these guys and their wives on the other table. She must have met them at one of their meets and hence this guy was here with his family. He suddenly started talking to me and asked me where I was from Bangalore and I said was from Jayanagar and he said he was from Bangalore too. I always follow up that statement with the fact that even though I am from Bangalore, I have lived most of my life elsewhere and I include the African continent because I want to let them know that in all probability I wouldn’t know someone they know because I lived a nomadic existence even though I lived in south Bangalore. It included friends, relatives and certain places best left unsaid. Anyways, coming back to now, he kept talking to me and I kept getting weary. I left my table to get my second shot of Rasam and he patiently waited for me and continued his questions and answers with me and also introduced his wife to me. He had 6 other people on the same table. He asked us about Zambia and my mom was very eager to talk to them and let her spiel out about how beautiful Lusaka was and all. At that point I decided to turn myself towards my dad who was on my right and had a defensive stance against the man who was from Bangalore and who spoke Kannada. My mom gave her bank account number to him and was about to give mine to him too while I managed to get my wife’s attention and she passed the message on dutifully to her mother in law who at that time kept quite finally and then we collectively as a family ignored them at the other side.
Nothing happened after that. They said bye before they left. Were they Quixtar guys? Were they not? I love people. Did I behave like a snob? I am sorry if you weren’t Amway. I am sorry that I behaved just like any other human being. I am sorry that I didn’t contribute to the friendly earth that I believe in and propagate all the time. I am sorry that I had to make my mother behave like a bad person and not talk to them. To all of you Amway idiots, thanks for creating a world for me full of distrust. I loved talking to anyone and anything and now I am very very careful.


Blogger gawker said...

as i said before, it is best to be antisocial in a general sense.

10:10 PM  
Blogger zambezi said...

did you try calling me on friday night?

10:30 PM  
Blogger gawker said...

yes and thank you for calling me back, I appreciate it.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Mosilager said...

Hey, nice to find a fellow mwenye blogger. Please email me (on the profile) if you are interested in getting in touch.

11:55 AM  

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