Monday, July 10, 2006

Oak Tree

Went grocery shopping to oak tree road yesterday. Another reason we went there was because my wife wanted to eat chaat. The sun was setting by the time we left the chaat place. It was raining down brightly on the Catholic Church at an angle and the church looked pristine. As I was walking by it, I saw a Muslim gentleman praying on the lawns of the church. He was facing the church and praying with his shoes off and a rug on the ground. I wish I had taken a picture. I was elated.
It is what it is.


Blogger gawker said...

A hindu chaat fan taking the picture of a muslim gentleman praying on the lawn of a church. That is just beautiful.

2:27 PM  
Blogger CAR said...

I wonder if the birds flying off in the distance were jews ;-)

4:26 PM  

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