The weekend of the 4th, I was away up in the mountains with my wife. In the state of New Hampshire and in a small town called Jackson by the foot of the great White Mountains. We stayed in a nice quite Inn with a spa.
The good part was that we were in the country. The bad part was both of us were down with a cold and a cough. Pretty bad feeling when you are all clogged up, spewing out phlegm and blowing mucous. Didn’t do jack shit. Well, we didn’t get to see as much as we wanted to. We went up Mount Washington. Didn’t drive up because we bought a new SUV and the lady at the counter said that we would be taking a year off the transmission and brakes.
Incidentally, Gawker and I had made this trip up the mountain around 6 years ago. His Jetta was new too but no one told us anything about it. I called him and told him that he practically fucked up his car the week he bought it and as usual we had an arguement about how he would still be macho enough to take it even if he knew he was going to fuck it up while i said that knowing him and how much he loved his card, he would have never taken it up the mountain if he knew. It is one scary drive. There are no railings and there is a big drop waiting for you if you do not gauge your turns. Coming to back to last weekend, we took the shuttle to the top of the mountain where there was a crazy wind blowing at about 80 miles an hour. We went up, took some pictures and then came down. After that we ended up going to “Spicy Lime”, a Thai restaurant which was pretty good food and had some Singha beer. We also did quite a lot of shopping up there. There was this Ralph Lauren store in North Conway which we visited and I lost my mind there. Off late, I have been enamored by POLO apparel to a great extent and am spending a lot of money buying shirts, t shirts, shorts and anything I can lay my hands on. I have to stop it.
Anyways, my wife and I ended up doing some trekking, taking a trip up the mountains and shopping. I drank beer everyday as it was my right to do so even though I was dying of a cold and cough. I somehow feel it really doesn’t make a difference. I am an idiot anyways. I will post some pictures. The weather was perfect but the physical being was not up to it. It is a good place to be if you are feeling good. You can trek, take the cruise, go up the mountain and walk around. It was fun but it was also fun to be back in jersey and watch TV on my big ass TV. We had a TV in our room which was a LCD screen and was as small as my laptop. Fucking pain in the ass.
Planning on going white water rafting with my wife and BIL. Called gawker and asked him to join me but apparently he is scared. Fucking wuss.
Today, everything looks good. Today, everything is peaceful. Today, there is equilibrium between what is and what should be. Alas, today is never the same.