Monday, October 31, 2005

Hey Ram

I am feeling down for various reasons today. Lets talk about one of them. The bombing in Delhi. Who did it and why did they do it? Has Musharaf lost complete control over his country? I have always believed that Mush is a moderate. He just doesn’t have control over the numerous factions that supposedly represent the face of free Kashmir. They are a set of people who have no idea of the bigger picture. Madrassas are hate mongering institutions mushrooming all over the Pakistani territory. There is a whole generation of brain washed young men and children who have been made to believe that true martyrdom will be achieved only through death and violence. Somewhere along the way, Islam is being translated into a violent medium by leaders. Over hundreds of centuries leaders have shaped the future of nations and peoples. Their insecurities, beliefs-good or bad have been transported to the society creating imprints of their minds. Musharaf's lack of control over his people is creating its own imprint on society right now. It is time for him to be strong and demand that his people behave like citizens of the world rather than the scum of the world.
I bear no religious contempt towards Muslims .All my living life I have been closely associated with them in a positive way. I know for a fact that they are one of the nicest people on this earth. They are being lead the wrong way in certain parts. It is time every human being -be it Muslim or non-learn to lead life with compassion and have a rational thought process and believe in loving themselves and people around them. We all need to learn to grow everyday, to reach that point of spiritual bliss where there is compassion and love.


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